Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

From the Blogs


The latest stories from the blogs about the Hate Agenda.

Natasha Chart: No Rescue From Democratic Misogyny

Adam Bink: Analysis and Improvement, Part 1

Melissa McEwan: "I have to help my friend and I don’t know how."

Melissa McEwan: Today in Rape Culture

Incertus: The Golden Rule

Melissa McEwan: Cowards

Adam Bink: Analysis and Improvement, Part 2

Adam Green: Dems who voted for the Stupak amendment to restrict women's rights

John Aravosis: Don't Ask, Don't Give

McJoan: What the Stupak-Pitts Coathanger Amendment Does

Melissa McEwan: On Female Filmmakers

Mallory Wells: Why healthcare matters for LGBT people

Nancy Imperiale: Fighting Words

Wonk Room: The House Health Care Bill Makes Progress For Gay Rights

Pam Spaulding: A few words on Maine and the dying hog of homophobia

Radical Russ: Why do marijuana dispensaries win and gay marriages lose on the same ballot in Maine?

Getting Back Our Power (From the Tea Party "Patriots")

Just as we have to assert our Sovereignty, I feel we need to take other action to restrict the power of our government.

After the New Year, I will be starting a Ballot Initiative here in the State of Florida, to set Term Limits. I am gearing for this Amendment to be placed on the 2012 ballot - which should be enough time to collect the necessary funds for the petition & collect the required number of signatures.

I recommend that States that have Ballot Initiatives should do the same. Below is a link that gives a list of States that have Ballot Initiatives for State Amendments, to Initiate New Laws, Overturn State Statutes, & Recall Officials.

I suggest you check this out, as your State may have an Initiative that you are unaware of. You may have more power than you think!

The Ballot Initiative is one of the most powerful tools that "We the People" have, as we are able to circumvent the Legislature. This is solely between the People & the State Division of Elections.

When I contacted the Florida Division of Elections concerning a Ballot Initiative that I was considering, they gave me three links. The first link gave a complete explanation of the procedure for setting up a Ballot Initiative. The second link gave a sample copy of a petition (it must be in a specific form). The third link gave forms that I needed to fill out. I found the Florida office to be very accommodating. One of you, in each State, would need to find out your specific procedures.

If you don't find your State listed under any of the options, you will have a more difficult time getting something like term limits passed. Obviously, your Representatives are not going to be thrilled with passing legislation that will restrict them in any way,

I suggest the best route would be to try to get your State to pass a law allowing Ballot Initiatives. You would have to find a representative who would be willing to submit this to your legislature. More difficult - but not impossible

What is most important is that we take whatever action is necessary to "take back our power". It is a matter of researching & investigating our options.

The best option would be to get a US Constitutional Amendment limiting terms - that would effect all States. At this time, the Federal Government does not allow Ballot Initiatives:

The US has no initiative process at the national level. In order for any federal initiative to be ever put to voters nationwide would require Congress to propose an amendment to the US Constitution which in order to take effect would need to be ratified by three-fourths of all the state legislatures or constitutional conventions because the frames of the US Constitution, in Article I, Section I, bestowed all of the legislative power upon the legislative branch of the federal government , the United States Congress.

So, we have to do it State by State.

Unruly Republicans Disrupt Health Care Debate

Scary Brown People

I hate Marco Rubio, but this ad is reprehensible:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This Modern World

This Modern World

(Click to enlarge)

Conniving and Sinister

From Shakesville:

Conniving and Sinister

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Catalog of Hate for 10.24

10.24.09: Dail Kos commenter: "A black dyke reached for my breast many years ago, I kicked her in the face. She never did that again. Obama states WE HAVE NOT SEEN NOTHING YET.... Oh yes we have, it is HE...who has not seen nothing yet."

10.24.09: Dail Kos commenter: "Thank goodness there are Americans like Daryl who will stand up for REAL America. Not ex-cons like yourself who hate this place. Your citizenship should have been stripped long ago, you treasonous son-of-a-bitch. "Anti-Muslim"? I hope so. Just as your lame criminal ass is anti-Christian, I am glad to know that there are a few elected officials who are against the 'Religion of Peace.' You are a rotten motherfucker. I wish you ill will and the worst possible life. You are one angry minority asshole, and the US is better off without you, you leftist cocksucking gay-loving, Muslim-worshipping, Obama-bowing, flag-burning, dirt-praying, global warming-believing, Michael Moore-watching, Kos-blogging socialist asshole."

10.24.09: Matt Barber: "All I hear [Treki] saying is that the rest of the world cannot be forced to accept behaviors that are demonstrably destructive to both individuals who engage in those behaviors and to the society around them."

10.24.09: Dallas Police: Ticketed a woman for not speaking English.

10.24.09: Unknown: The racist Obama-Joker image is now a racist Obama-Joker Halloween mask.

10.24.09: Anonymous: "I Support Gays And All, But Don't Want THAT Taught In Schools!"

Conniving and Sinister

From Shakesville:

Conniving and Sinister

How the New Hate Crimes Prevention Act Works

From Pam's House Blend:

The new law lets the Department of Justice give money to help local investigations and prosecutions of hate crimes based on on sexual orientation. Or, the Justice Department can lead an investigation if the local authorities don't do it themselves.

A crime is a hate crime only if it is

Physically violent.

A felony. That means anything that might put someone in prison for more than a year.

Motivated by prejudice based on sexual orientation.

So verbal acts can never be hate crimes.

It's up to the Justice Department whether to financially help a particular investigation of a hate crime. The local organization must apply for the money, and then the Department can either approve or reject the application.

Whether a crime is motivated by prejudice based on sexual orientation is based on "relevant evidence." That means evidence of things the criminal said, did, or believed, before he did the crime.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Heather Beaven Earns Another Endorsement In Bid To Unseat John Mica

Beaven: “I’ve stood shoulder to shoulder with America’s first-responders before, and I’ll continue to do so as the first female veteran from Florida elected to Congress.”
78.5% of FOP Endorsed Congressional Candidates Won in 2008

PALM COAST, FL (October 22, 2009) – Heather Beaven, Navy veteran and candidate for Congress against John Mica, announced today that her campaign has received the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police. This endorsement adds to Beaven’s growing list of endorsers including: the Women Under Forty PAC and the Women’s Campaign Forum.

“The brave men and women of the Fraternal Order of Police willfully run into harms-way, at the same moment that most run away from it. That’s why earning this endorsement means the world to me. During my service in the US Navy, I was on the frontlines of the War on Drugs so I’ve stood shoulder to shoulder with America’s first-responders before, and I’ll continue to do so as the first female veteran from Florida elected to Congress,” said Heather Beaven.

The Fraternal Order of Police is comprised of over 325,000 sworn law enforcement officers that have considerable political power in Florida. In 2008, the FOP endorsed 14 congressional candidates; 11 of those candidates went on to victory on Election Day.


Heather is a Mom, wife, Navy veteran (who served during Operation Desert Storm) and CEO of The Foundation for Florida’s Graduates. The Foundation focuses on bringing education, workforce development and economic development together to help young people better themselves through education and personal responsibility. Find out more about her campaign at

Openly Gay Candidate Needs Your Help

Support Steve Kornell

Most Qualified and Openly-Gay Candidate for St. Pete City Council

Steve Kornell is running to make history in Florida as St. Pete's first openly-LGBT city council member, but he needs your help.

Steve needs our immediate help!

The latest St. Pete times poll shows him leading by just 2 percent. The election is just 19 days away and in this extremely close race your support can have a major impact.

Wherever you live in Florida, this race matters to you. St. Petersburg is the 4th largest city in Florida and a victory here will have a far-reaching impact on the region and on the state.

Steve Kornell for St. Petersburg City Council

Steve has been active in Pinellas County for over a decade. As a board member of the Gay Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) of Pinellas County, Steve was a part of our effort to successfully push for a statewide anti-bully bill that protects LGBT students.

Steve is the clear choice in this race. In addition to Equality Florida, Steve has been endorsed by the Saint Pete Times, the Victory Fund, the Police Benevolent Association, the Sierra Club and many others.

Even a small gift can make a huge difference in a race like this. Your contribution will help to make St. Pete the largest city in Florida to have an openly-LGBT council member. Please make a donation to Steve's campaign today.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Conniving and Sinister

From Shakesville:

Conniving and Sinister


Below is an unedited e-mail I got last night. Not sure how I got on this guy's list, but the e-mail went out to a who's who of the right-wing in Florida and beyond:


Dear GOP:












Sorry, couldn't recreate the red text that was off and on throughout the message.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Catalog of Hate for 9.30

9.30.09: John Derbyshire: "Among the hopes that I do not realistically nurse is the hope that female suffrage will be repealed. But I’ll say this – if it were to be, I wouldn’t lose a minute’s sleep."

9.30.09: Michael Steele: Says Thomas Friedman is a "nut job" for his concerns over psychotic rhetoric from the right

9.30.09: Newsmax: Said the Newsmax blogger who advocated a coup against Obama wasn't really advocating a coup against Obama. And he used to be a Democrat.

9.30.09: John Perry: "Military intervention is what Obama’s exponentially accelerating agenda for 'fundamental change' toward a Marxist state is inviting upon America. A coup is not an ideal option, but Obama’s radical ideal is not acceptable or reversible."

9.30.09: Michael Steele: Dismisses threats against Obama

9.30.09: All kinds of crazy people: Obama has received more than 400 percent more threats than George W. Bush

9.30.09: Readers: 95% voted to say that Obama was a socialist

9.30.09: Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Said that Obama calling for kids to spend more time in school was a grab for more indoctrination of kids

9.30.09: 11th Grader from Haines City: Says Obama is a socialist

9.30.09: W. Cleon Skousen: Said slave owners were the worst victims of the system and that slaves couldn't work fast.

9.30.09: Dick Armey: Says Democrats will use an "outbreak" of swine flu to push through health care reform.

9.30.09: Jim Quinn: Told armed service members to "run for your life, get out," because Obama "is gonna get you killed."

Conniving and Sinister

From Shakesville:

Conniving and Sinister cartoon

Good Guys in the NFL

From Shakesville via Pam's House Blend:

"Looking at the former restrictions on human rights in our country starting with slavery, women not being able to vote, blacks being counted as two thirds of a human, segregation, no gays in the military (to list a few) all have gone by the wayside. But now here in 2009 same sex marriages are prohibited. I think we will look back in 10, 20, 30 years and be amazed that gays and lesbians did not have the same rights as every one else. How did this ever happen in the land of the free and the home of the brave? Are we really free?"—Brendon Ayanbadejo, NFL linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens.

"I hope he's right in his prediction, and I hope even more that it doesn't take that long. People could look at this issue without blinders on...the blinders imposed by their church, their parents, their friends or, in our case, their coaches and locker rooms. I wish they would realize that it's not a religion issue. It's not a government issue. It's not even a gay/straight issue or a question of your manhood. It's a human issue. And until more people see that, we're stuck arguing with people who don't have an argument."—Scott Fujita, defensive captain for the New Orleans Saints.

I don't want to be flip about this, because there is still real opposition out there, standing in the way of progress and fucking up people's lives in material ways, but honestly, when that sort of passionate eloquence in favor of same-sex marriage is coming from the NFL, the debate is over. Our opponents are not even winning battles anymore; they're just delaying the inevitable.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Catalog of Hate for 9.26

9.25.09: Anonymous Daily Kos commenter: "Just wanted to let you know I received my Obama stimulus package yesterday... It contained watermelon seeds, cornbread mix, and ten coupons to KFC. Directions were in Spanish."

9.25.09: Anonymous Daily Kos commenter: "Where in the world do you get your ideas? There is no sense to them and they appear to be from communist Russia of old. At least from some socialist government. Do you really think that this country wants to emmulate Russia, or Venezuela, or Iran? We are Americans, not communists."

9.25.09: Anonymous Daily Kos commenter: "Letter to the Marxist President: You may 'THINK' you are a leader of this country, You may 'THINK' you have clout, You may 'THINK' your shit doesn't stink, You may 'THINK' you can intimidate people,threaten them, shut them up,use your black Chicago thug tactics on anyone that does not salute you or kiss your ass. You may 'THINK' people give a crap what comes out of your mouth as your lips move with bullshit lies. You may 'THINK'you have power to do whatever the hell you want, you may 'THINK' people are going to sit back and allow YOU to destroy OUR country? Think again you son of a bitch prick. It ain't gonna happen and you will find out one day that what you 'THOUGHT' is not what 'IS'."

9.25.09: Anonymous Daily Kos commenter: "Socialism does not belong here, may I suggest all you lefties keep your past promises and move far, far away, to Europe and beyond. That is not an option though, as you surely realize the freedoms you so easily use and abuse in this country are not at your disposal anywhere else in the world. Although religion is a common source of scorn and ridicule for you and your ilk, perhaps finding God would do you guys some good. There is only one Messiah, and his name is surely not Barack Obama."

9.25.09: Anonymous Daily Kos commenter: "Because the only people who watch MSNBC are tree hugging liberal faggots who have their heads up your ass."

9.24.09: David Seminara: "If soccer is the world’s sport, and America is the world’s leading beacon for immigrants around the globe, why aren’t immigrants making a bigger impact playing soccer for the Stars and Stripes?…Perhaps the issue here is one of assimilation, or lack thereof in a post-American society, or perhaps it’s just the free agency concept spilling over from professional leagues into international competition."

9.24..09: Glenn Beck: "Beck and these other media figures have repeatedly accused Obama of 'indoctrinating' school children, aired unauthorized videos of children singing Obama's praises, and attacked Obama's 'school saftey czar.' On his September 25 television show, Beck plans to continue the trend by hosting 9-12 Project mothers, along with their children, who are 'concerned' about 'their kids' futures.'"

9.24.09: Glenn Beck: “Not anymore. These days we can’t ask anything of immigrants — including that they abide by our laws.”

9.24.09: Glenn Beck: Said that Obama's death panels would kill his child with cerebral palsy.

9.24.09: Steve King: On same-sex marriage..."They want public affirmation. They want access to public funds and resources. Eventually all those resources will be pooled because that’s the direction we’re going. And not only is it a radical social idea, it is a purely socialist concept in the final analysis."

9.24.09: Anonymous Facebook user: "I got really upset a couple of weeks ago when I saw a Facebook quiz that asked something like 'do you support Barack Obama's attempt to take away our guns?'"

9.24.09: Anonymous Kentucky residents: "The AP is reporting that the FBI is investigating the hanging death earlier this month of Bill Sparkman, 51, in rural Kentucky to determine if Sparkman, a census worker, was killed because he worked for the the U.S. government."

9.24.09: Conservatives: "Shooting ranges, gun dealers and bullet manufacturers say they have never seen such shortages. Bullets, especially for handguns, have been scarce for months because gun enthusiasts are stocking up on ammo, in part because they fear President Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress will pass antigun legislation -- even though nothing specific has been proposed."

9.23.09: George W. Bush: "He said he went to see a prison ministry program, noting that ‘everyone was black, of course.'”

8.30.09: Lloyd Marcus: Song lyrics..."This socialist nightmare must come to an end."

8.30.09: Lloyd Marcus: Song lyrics..."I wanna wake up in an America where I can speak as I please."

8.30.09: Lloyd Marcus: Song lyrics..."I wanna find my freedom restored/ACORN is out."

Tea Party Express (Ely, Nevada)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Good Castor

Kathy Castor (D-FL) Fights to Extend Ryan White Program:

Good Illeana

Doing the right thing on her one good issue:

Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) has issued a scathing statement against the new president of the United Nations General Assembly, Ali Abdessalam Treki (who is a former foreign minister of Libya) for recent remarks that seemed to favor the criminalization of homosexuality:

The anti-gay bigotry spewed by this Qaddafi shill demonstrates once again that the UN has been hijacked by advocates of hate and intolerance. Congress must demand better by enacting pending legislation that would leverage our contributions to the UN to produce sweeping, meaningful reform of that body.

Catalog of Hate for 9.25

9.25.09: Michelle Bachmann: About the Census...“I think there is a point when you say enough is enough to government intrusion.” and “If we look at American history, between 1942 and 1947, the data that was collected by the census bureau was handed over to the FBI and other organizations, at the request of President Roosevelt, and that’s how the Japanese were rounded up and put into the internment camps.”

9.25.09: Glenn Beck: “Ok, so let me talk about the Census because there’s a lot of people that are concerned with it because they don’t want to fill it out, they’re not comfortable with ACORN members coming to find out all this information, they don’t want to give the government all this kind of information.”

9.25.09: Neal Boortz: “Most of the rest of the [Census] information is designed to help the government steal from you in order to pass off your property to the moochers. They’re looters.” Boortz urged his listeners to resist the Census workers. “If somebody comes to my — if a burglar came to your house, are you going to show him where the silverware is?” he asked. “Maybe you will if he pulls out a gun.”

9.25.09: Americans for Truth About Homosexuality: Called Kevin Jennings a "vicious, anti-religious bigot."

9.25.09: Bill Donohue: Said Kevin Jennings' remarks about homosexuality and God "perverse."

9.25.09: Family Research Council: Launched a "Stop Kevin Jennings" campaign, saying he is a "radical homosexual activist."

9.25.09: Patrick Goldstein: Wrote an L.A. Times post called "Is Ken Burns a Secret Propagandist for Socialism?"

9.25.09: North Carolina anti-census people: "The overwhelming anger is directed straight at the President. No question. Fear and racism at the core that has manifested into anti-government radicalism. We're threatened and intimidated almost daily, just for trying to earn a days pay and uphold the Constitution. I've been called an "employee of president nigger" and team members have been bitten by dogs and threatened with shotguns."

9.25.09: Michelle Malkin: Her latest article is entitled "The Three R's in the Age of Obama: Rappin', Revolution and Radicalism."

Right-Wing Census Paranoia: Bachmann, Beck, Fox News, and More

Crazy, crazy stuff:

Conniving and Sinister

From Shakesville:


Ranking 25th In the Nation for Women in Politics, Florida's Women Take the Lead At First-Ever FL Go Run Workshops

Beginning Friday, September 25th over 100 diverse women from across Florida will take the next step in their leadership by attending The White House Project’s award-winning Go Run political training program for women. Democrats, Republicans, and Independents; black, white, Latina, Asian, and Native American, will come together for three days of intensive training that will propel them into the local, statewide, and national political arena.

The goal of The White House Project’s Florida Go Run—a multi-day workshop led by state and national experts—is to create a permanent, nonpartisan pipeline to women’s political leadership throughout the state. Across the U.S., the innovative Go Run program has been instrumental in propelling a diverse group of women into positions of political leadership, having trained over 8,000 women since its creation in 2004.

"Women remain Florida’s greatest untapped natural resource,” said Marie C. Wilson, President of The White House Project. “When women sit fully at the tables of power, we create stronger governments, from the school board to the city council to the senate, and compelling solutions to our nation’s most pressing problems.”

Among the diverse women who will attend next week’s training are...

Read more.

Revised Blog Description

Taking this one in a bit of a new direction...

This is a blog specifically designed to battle the agenda of conservative hate-mongers in Florida and beyond. This blog will document the hate from the right whether it be aimed at the LGBT community, women, African Americans, Hispanics, the poor and anyone else they decide to target. We'll also provide you with information as to what you can do about all this.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

From the Blogs


The latest stories from the Florida blogs...

Bilerico Project Florida (Waymon Hudson): I Couldn't Say It Better: Florida Says Yes to Beating Kids, No to Gays Adopting

Bilerico Project Florida (Waymon Hudson): Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart Signs on to Letter Supporting Extension of the Ryan White Act

Bark Bark Woof Woof: Family Court

Bilerico Project Florida (Waymon Hudson): Florida's Gay Adoption Ban Headed to Appeals Court

Bilerico Project Florida (Jillian T. Weiss): ENDA support...but can you please drop the transgenders?: Florida's Lincoln Diaz-Balart

Bilerico Project Florida (Waymon Hudson): Orlando Sentinel Poll: 68% of Floridians Think Gays Should be able to Adopt

Bilerico Project Florida (Nadine Smith): Rep Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Reaffirms Support for Repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Equality Florida (Brian Winfield): Is Challenging Anti-LGBT Messages Censorship?

Equality Florida (Michael Farmer): Far Right-wing campaign targets openly gay Obama appointee

Equality Florida (Tobias Packer): Shame on You WFLA NBC Channel 8!

Shakesville: The Trials and Travails of Transness: Dude Looks Like a Lady


Equality Florida (Mallory Wells): Florida Legislators Urge President to Repeal DADT

Equality Florida (Stratton Pollitzer): Will Florida recognize gay adoptions from other states?

Natch Greyes: 'The LBGT Agenda'

Conniving and Sinister

Shakesville has a great series of ongoing cartoons called Conniving and Sinister, which deals with sexism and homophobia. It is a must read.

An example:

Conniving and Sinister

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Capitol Offense: The Florida Family Association Promotes Hate

Our good old friends in the FFA have released the following breathless e-mail filled with lies and distortions so that their followers will contact Senators to urge them to pursue an agenda of hate. I'll give you their text and my response:

US Senate poised to vote on Hate Crimes Bill, please ask your senators to vote NO

The United States Senate is poised to vote Thursday on Senator Ted Kennedy’s infamous Hate Crimes Bill (S. 909).

There is nothing "infamous" about this bill other than it helps protect American taxpayers from being intimidated and assaulted based on who they are.

The legislation elevates "actual or perceived" "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the same federal legal status as race.

This is a cynical attempt to get racial minorities to join their attack on LGBT Americans by pitting them against each other. It's a oft-used historical tactic that only works if we allow it to. The implication here is that the LGBT community is downplaying the struggles of racial minorities.

The whole point with the language in quotes in this passage is that here in the real world there is a continuum of sexual orientation and gender identity that is more complex that conservatives want to have to deal with. Reality doesn't fit in with their either/or, black/white view of the world, so they use the quote marks here to belittle people and their rights.

Homosexual activists are urging passage of this bill which will give preferential treatment to prosecute crimes committed against some victims while ignoring other victims of the same crimes.

Support for this bill goes well beyond "homosexual activists." Anybody who believes in fairness, justice and equality supports this bill. And the logic at the end of this passage is both ridiculous and incredibly dishonest. The bill doesn't give anyone preferential treatment. It provides for stronger protections for people who face stronger assaults on their person. And you clearly can't argue that the law ignores something that is a "crime." The word crime, by definition, refers to something that is illegal. If someone is assaulted in order to steal money from them, that is still a crime and there is still a punishment associated with that. But if someone is assaulted because they are gay, then the purpose of the assault goes well beyond stealing money and moves into the realm of trying to silence and intimidate an entire class of people. Because of that much higher potential for harm, there should be higher penalties. We have stiffer penalties for murder than for parking violations because the former has higher potential to cause harm to society. Same thing for hate crimes.

Additionally, there are concerns that this legislation may be misused by those who want to prosecute speech that is ironically deemed intolerant by homosexual activists.

Such concerns are only held by people who don't favor equality for the LGBT community. No one with any familiarity with this bill, or the law in general, has any such concerns. Nothing in this law would penalize people for saying something that is evil or wrong, unless that speech directly leads to someone causing harm to people or property -- this is the same standard that already exists in our law.

The U.S. House passed their Hate Crimes Bill (HR 1913) on April 29, 2009. The vote was 249 to 175, with 10 not voting.

The House already did the right thing.

Now the US Senate is preparing to vote on this legislation.

There is still time for you to urge your two US Senators to vote NO on the Hate Crimes Bill.

Phone calls are most important at this stage in the political battle. Please contact your US Senators and ask them to vote NO on the Hate Crimes Bill (S. 909) Simply Call the Capitol Switchboard number, (202) 224-3121, and ask to be connected to your Senator. It will take less than 90 seconds and have a greater impact than just sending an email.


Please contact the two US Senators who represent your state, today. The vote is supposed to take place on Thursday, July 16th.

FFA is largely correct here. You should contact Bill Nelson and Mel Martinez and tell them to do the right thing -- vote yes on the Hate Crimes Bill. Vote yes for fairness, justice and equality. Vote no to hatred and fearmongering.

I'm Kenneth Quinnell and I approve this message.

Read more on Florida politics at the Florida Progressive Coalition blog ( and the Florida Progressive Coalition Wiki (

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

Daily Humor

Today's reason to laugh...

O'Reilly defends gay penguins

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Daily Humor

You may have already seen this one, if not, prepare to laugh.

Sex With Ducks: the Music Video by Garfunkel and Oates

Sunday, May 3, 2009

From the Blogs

The latest stories from the Florida blogs...

Natch Greyes: Tipping Point On Same-Sex Marriage?

Natch Greyes: Same-Sex Marriage Comes To The Granite State

Bark Bark Woof Woof: Make the Most Of It

Down With Tyranny: Maine's In The News Today-- Same Sex Marriage Bill Passes The State Senate

AMERICAblog: Maine senate passes gay marriage

Daily Kos: One step closer to marriage equality in New Hampshire and Maine

Pam's House Blend: Debunking "But The Plumbing Doesn't Fit!" Argument Against Same Gender Marriage

Rep. Kathy Castor - Hate Crimes Legislation

President Obama Issues Support Statement for Hate Crimes Bill

From the president:

This week, the House of Representatives is expected to consider H.R. 1913, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009. I urge members on both sides of the aisle to act on this important civil rights issue by passing this legislation to protect all of our citizens from violent acts of intolerance – legislation that will enhance civil rights protections, while also protecting our freedom of speech and association. I also urge the Senate to work with my Administration to finalize this bill and to take swift action.

MSNBC's David Shuster Takes On Gay Marriage Hater - 05/01/09

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Daily Humor

Today's reason to laugh...

A Gaythering Storm

Monday, April 13, 2009

Daily Humor

Today's reason to laugh...

Cast of NOMs anti-gay commercial get eaten by cat...

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Concerned Women for America on gay rights:

"To compare rich, privileged homosexual lobby groups allied with transsexuals and sadomasochists to brave civil rights crusaders — who risked their lives to advance freedom — insults every black American who overcame real injustice and poverty,” said CWA President Sandy Rios... "It’s time for the homosexual lobby to stop co-opting the black civil rights struggle. The [National Gay and Lesbian] Task Force’s agenda of promoting perversion — including public homosexual sex, sadomasochism and bisexuality — would offend the vast majority of African-Americans who understand the difference between God-designed racial distinctions and changeable, immoral behavior.”

"God-designed racial distinctions"? Contrast that with Coretta Scott King:

Coretta Scott King, speaking four days before the 30th anniversary of her husband's assassination, said Tuesday the civil rights leader's memory demanded a strong stand for gay and lesbian rights. "I still hear people say that I should not be talking about the rights of lesbian and gay people and I should stick to the issue of racial justice," she said. "But I hasten to remind them that Martin Luther King Jr. said, 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.'" "I appeal to everyone who believes in Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream to make room at the table of brother- and sisterhood for lesbian and gay people," she said. - Reuters, March 31, 1998.


Speaking before nearly 600 people at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel, Coretta Scott King, the wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Tuesday called on the civil rights community to join in the struggle against homophobia and anti-gay bias. "Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood," King stated. "This sets the stage for further repression and violence that spread all too easily to victimize the next minority group." - Chicago Defender, April 1, 1998, front page.

Who do you trust more to understand what civil rights is all about, a bunch of old white women or one of the leaders of the civil rights movement?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Record Number Sponsor Florida Gay Rights Bills

Palm Beach County Human Rights Council:

Forty Florida legislators are working to enact a statewide law to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in employment, housing and public accommodations.

At the request of the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council, state senator Ted Deutch (D-Boca Raton) and state representative Kelly Skidmore (D-Boca Raton) have introduced legislation (SB 2012/HB 397) to expand the protected classes in both the Florida Civil Rights Act and Florida's Fair Housing Act.

The Council is a non-profit organization that has been in the forefront of Florida's gay rights movement since 1988.

"For the first time in history, 25 percent of our state lawmakers are on record supporting legislation to ensure that gay, lesbian and transgender individuals have the same rights as all other Floridians," said Council president Rand Hoch.

Earlier this year, Deutch enlisted seven of his colleagues in the Florida Senate to co-sponsor his bill. He is also working closely with Senate President Jeff Atwater ( R-North Palm Beach), who has pleaded to help move the Senate bill forward this session. The bill is assigned to the Commerce Committee, which last year overwhelmingly supported the Deutch bill by a vote of 7-1.

"Hardworking Floridians should not be fired from their jobs just because they are gay," said Deutch.

In the Florida House of Representatives, Skidmore has secured the co-sponsorships of 31 lawmakers for her bill (HB 397).

"All Floridians should have the opportunity to earn a living and provide for their families without fear of being unfairly fired or denied housing for reasons that have nothing to do with their job performance or their ability to maintain their homes," said Skidmore."The time has come for Florida to join the twenty other states which protect gay and lesbian employees from being unfairly fired."

The Skidmore bill has yet to be assigned to committee by the House leadership.

"Unlike Senator Atwater, Speaker of the House Larry Cretul (R-Ocala) does not yet understand the urgency of this legislation," said Hoch.

Republican Governor Charlie Crist, a strong advocate for civil rights, has not indicated whether he would sign the bill when it gets to his desk.

Since 1990, seven counties and ten cities in Florida have amended their fair employment and housing laws to cover sexual orientation, and/or gender identity or expression. Such laws are in effect in Broward, Leon, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Orange, Palm Beach and Pinellas counties, as well as in the cities of Gulfport, Gainesville, Key West, Lake Worth, Miami Beach, Orlando, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Tampa and West Palm Beach.

"We need a statewide law," said Hoch. "Well over half of all Floridians who face this type of discrimination have no legal recourse. Where you live and work in Florida should not determine your civil rights."

Twenty states and the District of Columbia have enacted fair employment and housing laws covering sexual orientation. The most recent thirteen of these states to enact such laws and the District of Columbia also have included gender identity or expression.

As a result of these laws, 52% of the U.S. population now lives in
jurisdictions protecting gay men and lesbians from discrimination. Thirty-nine percent of the U.S. population now lives in jurisdictions that also protect individuals based on their gender identity and/or expression.

All seven states whose civil rights laws include only sexual orientation are considering legislation this year to add gender identity or expression.

In addition to Florida, fifteen other state legislatures are considering bills to add both sexual orientation and gender identity and/or expression to their civil rights laws.

Polling data for the past thirty years has consistently shown that
Americans believe gays and lesbians should have equal rights in employment, housing, and public accommodations.

In May 2008, a poll was conducted of more than 1,000 voters across the state. When asked whether homosexuals should have the same rights as everyone else to housing, job opportunities and public accommodations, 89% responded "yes."

Political party identification had little statistical impact on the results. Eighty-seven percent of Republicans, 90% of Democrats and 93% of Independents all support equal rights for gay and lesbian Floridians.

Age and gender also have no impact on support of equal rights. 88% of Florida voters 55 and over support equal rights for gay men and lesbians, as do 90% under age 55. Similarly, 90% of women and 88% of men are supportive.

Floridians' sense of fairness is mirrored across America. According to nationwide polls conducted annually for the past quarter-century by the Gallup Organization, 89% of all Americans 18 years or older believe that gay men and lesbians should have equal employment rights. This percentage has been constant since 2004.

More than 90% of the Fortune 500 companies have written policies prohibiting workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and a quarter of them also prohibit discrimination based on gender identity.

Joining Deutch as co-sponsors of the civil rights bill are state senators Dan Gelber (D-Miami Beach), Arthenia Joyner (D-Tampa), Charlie Justice (D-St. Petersbeurg), Nan Rich (D-Weston), Jeremy Ring (D-Margate), Chris Smith (D-Fort Lauderdale) and Eleanor Sobel (D-Hallandale Beach).

The thirty co-sponsors of Skidmore's bill include Representatives Joseph Abruzzo (D-Wellington), Mary Brandenburg (D-West Palm Beach), Ronald Brisé (D-North Miami), Dwight Bullard (D-Miami), Chuck Chestnut (D-Gainesville), Gwyn Clarke-Reed (D-Deerfield Beach), Keith Fitzgerald (D-Sarasota), Luis Garcia (D-Miami Beach), Joe Gibbons (D-Hallandale Beach), Audrey Gibson (D-Jacksonville), Bill Heller (D-St. Petersburg) Evan Jenne (D-Dania Beach), Marty Kiar (D-Davie), Rick Kriseman (D-St. Petersburg), Janet Long (D-Seminole), Mark Pafford (D-West Palm Beach), Ari Porth (D-Coral Springs), Kevin Rader (D-Delray Beach), Scott Randolph (D-Orlando), Betty Reed (D-Tampa), Michelle Rehnwinkel Vasilinda (D-Tallahassee), Yolly Roberson (D-Miami), Maria Sachs (D-Delray Beach), Franklin Sands (D-Weston), Ron Saunders (D-Key West), Elaine Schwartz (D-Hollywood), Darren Soto (D-Orlando), Richard Steinberg (D-Miami Beach), Priscilla Taylor (D-West Palm Beach) and Jim Waldman (D-Coconut Creek).

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We Won!

If you listen to the fundies, this story proves that our side has one -- Merriam Webster officially redefined the word "marriage" to include same-sex unions. The gay agenda is succeeding, ha ha ha (read as: maniacal mad scientist laugh).

Nadine Smith Fighting the Good Fight

From the Rally in Tally (other speakers included):

More (including legislative priorities for Equality Florida):

Brandenburg Sponsor's Legislation to End Gay Adoption Ban

“There are over 3,000 children in Florida awaiting adoption right now, according to the Department of Children and Families. That is unacceptable. Every child should be able to live in a permanent, loving home,” said Representative Mary Brandenburg (D-Lake Worth). “That is why I filed a bill that that allows judges to approve adoptions based solely on what is best for the child.”

Child psychologists agree with what parents instinctively know: children thrive as family members. Even non-traditional families, such as those headed by a single parent, by grandparents, or by same-sex couples can raise their children successfully. On the other hand, children who languish in foster homes are much more likely to drop out of school, become teen-age parents, and get into trouble with the law.

Right now, Florida allows families headed by gay and lesbian couples to serve as short- and long-term foster parents, but does not allow them to permanently adopt the children they are caring for. “That just doesn’t make sense,” said Rep. Brandenburg. “Why are the standards different for foster parents and permanent parents? Why does the State of Florida continue to deny foster kids the opportunity of living in a forever family? That isn’t fair to the 3,000+ children hoping to escape foster care for a permanent home.” A poll conducted by Quinnipiac University in January, 2009, found that most Floridians believe gay and lesbian people should be permitted to adopt.

Florida is the only state with a statutory ban against same-sex individuals or couples adopting. A Miami judge threw out this law last year, but that decision is under appeal. Rep. Brandenburg’s bill would eliminate the need for lengthy appeals. Rep. Brandenburg’s House Bill 413 would allow a judge to determine, on an individual basis, whether adoption into a specific family would be in the best interest of the child. Senator Nan Rich (D-Sunrise) has filed identical legislation in the Florida Senate.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

From the Blogs

Incertus (Brian): Homobigotry is ebbing in Florida

Incertus (Brian): I'm only surprised it took this long

Bilerico Project Florida (Waymon Hudson): Killer of Ryan Skipper Found Guilty in Florida

Florida Young Democrats (Hillary): Heard at the Water Cooler: Eyes closed

Bilerico Project Florida (Nadine Smith): Far right targets Pro-Equality Florida Legislators

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Group, OUT, Forms

From their press release:

January 5, 2009

Tampa–Leaders of several local lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allied organizations announced the creation of a statewide federation of organizations: Organizations United Together, Inc. ("OUT"). OUT Spokesperson Karen Doering explained that, “OUT's mission is to connect and empower local organizations to share resources, skills and information, forging statewide strength in order to achieve equality and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Floridians.” Several local organizations with successful track records have already joined the new federation, including Sarasota Equality Project, SAVE Dade and the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council. The leaders of Florida's local LGBT organizations will be invited to attend OUT's next meeting in Orlando on January 24, 2009.

"Local organizations that join the federation will retain their own autonomy and self-governance, and will have the opportunity to cooperate on statewide projects which interest them," said C.J. Ortuno, Executive Director of SAVE Dade. "For several years, local LGBT organizations have been working together informally on common issues such as human rights ordinances and domestic partner benefits. OUT will provide a network to continue this work and to unite on important statewide projects, such as passing a statewide antidiscrimination law, repealing the ban on gay adoption, and defeating the discriminatory charter amendment to be considered by Gainesville's voters on March 24th."

"OUT will work hand-in-hand with national and state organizations such as the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, HRC, Equality Florida and others," said Michael Shelton, President of Sarasota Equality Project.

Cathy James, board member of Securing Our Children's Rights (SOCR), a Tampa-based organization dedicated to repealing Florida's ban on gay adoption, added, "There has never been a more critical time for local groups to work together."

"As Tip O'Neil used to say, 'All politics is local,’" said Rand Hoch, President of Palm Beach County Human Rights Council. "After the passage of Amendment 2, the leaders of several local LGBT organizations around the state acknowledged the need for better communication and cooperation. Fostering strong local organizations will ultimately help us achieve success on statewide issues."