Okay, several categories are close enough that we need you to vote in them one more time. We've dropped off the lower vote-getters and just narrowed it down to the top three in each category. The vote totals are currently reset at zero for each of these categories and this is the last vote. From now until Sunday, June 8 at midnight, votes will be taken in the following categories.
Go here to vote:
Best National Blog: Blogs written by Floridians that cover primarily national politics.
*Bark Bark Woof Woof, http://barkbarkwoofwoof.blogspot.com/
*Politics1, http://www.politics1.com/
*Ranger Against War, http://www.rangeragainstwar.blogspot.com/
Best Party Website: Best Florida-wide website associated with a political party or political party unit (such as a caucus or coalition).
*Empty Chair Charlie, http://www.emptychaircharlie.com
*Florida Democrats, http://www.fladems.com/
*Florida Young Democrats, http://www.floridayd.com/
Best Local Party Website: This one is for Florida DECs, clubs or local chapters of statewide caucuses or coalitions. *
*Broward, http://www.browarddems.com
*East Hillsborough Democratic Club, http://www.easthillsboroughdems.org
*Hillsborough, http://www.hcdec.org
Best Interest Group Website (Professional) : Any Florida-based nonparty activist, charitable or grassroots group with an annual budget over $100,000 is eligible for this one.
*DemsLink, http://www.demslink.com/
*Equality Florida, http://www.eqfl.org/
*Florida Red & Blue, http://www.floridaredandblue.com/
Netroots Activist of the Year: The individual who has done the most to advance the goals and activities of the progressive Netroots in the state of Florida.
*Alison Berke Morano, Pasco DEC, DCCA, Florida Progressive Coalition
*Phil Perry, Florida Democratic Party
*Ray Seaman, Florida Progressive Coalition, Progress Florida
Best Post: The best-written post since last year's awards.
*One Way Out for Florida Democrats -- Dan Gelber, http://www.dangelber.com/news/viewBlog.php?id=18
*Brooding At Breakfast With Al Gore -- J.F. McCullers at Conniption Fit, http://www.conniptionfit.com/main/2007/10/brooding-at-bre.html
*It's Not Called the Hate Amendment for Nothing -- Kenneth Quinnell at Florida Progressive Coalition, http://www.flapolitics.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=2663
Best Ongoing Series: The best regular feature that incorporates at least five posts since last year's awards.
*Eye on Miami, the Miami-Dade Urban Development Boundary
*FLA Politics, Florida Political News and Commentary
*Florida Progressive Coalition, Stories to Read
Best Online Radio Show: Goes to the best Netroots-created online radio show from Florida.
*Blast Off! Radio with Sinfonian, http://blogtalkradio.com/fpc
*The Big Show with Alison Berke Morano and Kenneth Quinnell, http://blogtalkradio.com/fpc
*The Countdown with Susan S and Kenneth Quinnell, http://blogtalkradio.com/fpc
Go here to vote...
In the other categories, here are the top three finalists -- keep in mind, there were enough votes to determine the winners in these categories. We would like to invite the finalists in these categories to appear (as well as those above that are still open for voting), to attend the Netroots Conference on June 14. The event will be in Hollywood at the Jefferson-Jackson fundraiser. The Netroots Conference starts at 12 noon and the awards will be given away beginning at 2:30 p.m. Please join us to accept your award or to congratulate the other winners. Except for the Hall of Fame inductees -- NO ACCEPTANCE SPEECHES! Here are the finalists in the other categories:
Best State Blog: Blogs about statewide politics in Florida.
*Florida Netroots, http://floridanetroots.com/
*Smashed Frog, http://smashedfrog.blogspot.com/
*Florida Progressive Coalition, http://flaprogressives.org
Best Local Blog: Blogs about city/county/regional politics in the state of Florida.
*Eye on Miami, http://eyeonmiami.blogspot.com/
*St.Petersblog, http://stpetersblog.com/
*Talk to Me, http://mytalktome.blogspot.com/
Best Media Blog: Blogs written by professional journalists at Florida publications.
*The Fort Report, http://www.fortreport.com/
*Naked Politics, http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/
*Political Whore, http://blogs.creativeloafing.com/politicalwhore/
Best Professional Blog: Blogs written by state or local political parties, candidates or party operatives in Florida.
*Joe Garcia, http://joegarcia08.com/index.php?src=blog&category=joes%20blog
*The Gelber Blog, http://www.dangelber.com/news/blog.php
*Grassroots Brevard, http://blog.brevardyoungdemocrats.org/
Best Candidate Website: Anyone running for statewide or local office in Florida can win this one.
*Kevin Beckner, http://www.kevinbeckner.com
*Dan Gelber, http://www.dangelber.com
*Robert Wexler, http://www.wexlerforcongress.com
Best Interest Group Website (Amateur): Any Florida-based nonparty activist, charitable or grassroots group with an annual budget under $100,000 is eligible for this one.
*Florida Citizens for Science, http://www.flascience.org/wp
*Miami for Peace, http://www.miamiforpeace.net
*Progressive Democrats of Florida, http://www.pdamerica.org/statecaucus.php?s=FL
Best Writer: Anyone whose writings is published at any of the above websites is eligible for this one. Winners should have one or more of the following qualities: good grammar and presentation, provides original reporting, has a good sense of humor, shows creativity, has a strong personal touch, or has an affect on the real world because of their writing
*Dan Gelber, The Gelber Blog
*Mustang Bobby, Bark Bark Woof Woof
*Ken Quinnell, Florida Progressive Coalition
Netroots Candidate of the Year : The Florida candidate at any level who has best incorporated the Netroots into her/his campaign and done the best job of treating Netroots activists as valid constituents and not just another group of people to exploit.
*Alan Brock, County Commission
*Dan Gelber, Legislature
*Robert Wexler, Congress
Netroots Organization of the Year : The organization that has done the most to advance the goals and activities of the progressive Netroots in the state of Florida.
*DFA Miami, http://www.dfamiami.com
*Florida Citizens for Science, http://www.flascience.org/wp/
*Florida Netroots, http://floridanetroots.com/
Best New Blogger: This one should go to the best blogger who has been blogging about Florida politics for no more than a year and a half.
*Dan Gelber, http://www.dangelber.com/news/blog.php
*J.F. McCullers, http://www.conniptionfit.com
*Chris Petley, http://cpetley.blogspot.com
Best Online Campaign: This is an award for the best use of the web and related technologies to achieve some kind of goal, such as fundraising, fighting legislation or other activism.
*Draft Joe Garcia, http://draftgarcia.com/
*Say No on 2, http://www.sayno2.com/
*Wexler Wants Hearings Campaign, http://www.wexlerwantshearings.com
Florida Progressive Coalition Progressive Hall of Fame: FPC is sponsoring a virtual "Progressive Hall of Fame" that should be awarded as sort of a lifetime achievement award to a person or organization (amateur or professional) that has made a significant contribution towards making Florida a bluer, more progressive state. This award may have more than one recipient.
*You'll have to wait until the awards ceremony to find out about this one.