Saturday, May 31, 2008

Why They're Wrong, Pt. 3

Another episode of our "liberal media" at work, in California:

The ruling, they say, isn't about race or a particular people group, it's about the nature and purpose of marriage, which the court brushed aside.

“To redefine marriage so it's not intrinsically related to the relationship between fathers, mothers and children formally severs the institution from its nature and purpose, remaking the institution into a mere contract between any two individuals.”

The analysis also points out that “changing the definition of marriage has vast cultural consequences, including religious liberty implications.”

This argument, which comes from the Heritage Foundation, is so filled with nonsense it's hard to know where to start. But let's start with two things. One, it isn't required for a married couple to have children. Many don't. Second, marriage doesn't have anything to do with religion. In Florida, for instance, any notary public can perform a legal marriage. When they do, religious messages are forbidden by law from being in the ceremony. Other states have similar laws. Marriage is already defined as a legal contract between two people (although not "any" two individuals). That's it. Everything else is defined by the people in the marriage. Need I remind you that both Michael Jackson and Britney Spears have been married. What's sacred in that?

And there are no cultural consequences that arise out of gay marriage, other than more people who get married and more people who stay married. How do we know this? Because gay marriage is legal in numerous places, none of which has faced any "huge" cultural consequences. It's nothing more than another of the nonspecific, undefinable threats that conservatives thrive off of creating and attacking.

Why They're Wrong, Pt. 2

This one is from the North County Times:

Somehow the Four Stooges at the state Supreme Court have got it in their minds that overriding the will of the people ---- more than 4.6 million of them ---- in the matter of homosexual marriage is their solemn duty.

In a democracy, the majority doesn't have absolute rule. They win on most things, but when it comes to civil rights, they don't have a say. If they did, then the majority could vote to kill off a minority. Or vote to end democracy. Or vote to maintain slavery. Or vote to deny rights to gay people. The majority doesn't have this right.

Why They're Wrong, Pt. 1

In a regular feature around here, I'll post various arguments from gay marriage opponents and why they're wrong...

This one is from The Baptist Press:

If you thought "gay marriage" was simply about equality, you'd be wrong.


The situation in California proves that "homosexual marriage" is not about simple equality. Domestic partnerships granted homosexuals the same benefits as heterosexual couples.

The Supreme Court ruled in 1954 that "separate but equal" is a false concept and that immediately upon separation, inequality exists. Ignore the fact that domestic partnerships don't have all the same legal benefits as marriage, simply calling it something else, by definition, treats it differently and as something lesser. You can tell that this is what the author actually believes by reading his closing line: "Yes, 'gay marriage' concerns a small minority seeking not only to validate their aberrant lifestyle, but also to force society to accept their behavior –- or else." He's trying to dress up his bigotry in rhetoric, but he's nothing more than someone who hates gay people because they are gay. That's wrong.

Gay Marriage Is Not On the November Ballot

Peter Tannen of the ACLU Gets it right:

This is explicitly a ban on "the substantial equivalent" of marriage, such as civil unions and domestic partnerships.

The backers of Amendment 2 are deliberately misleading the public by constantly calling it a ban on "same-sex marriage," and the media are reinforcing that misconception.

The wording of the proposed Amendment 2 here in Florida threatens the continuation of health insurance and other benefits provided by employers to many couples, straight or gay, young or old. In Michigan, which passed a similar constitutional amendment, the courts just decided that if you're not legally married, you can't be on your partner's medical plan, or have visiting rights at hospitals, or receive pension benefits.


"Gay marriage" will not be on the ballot in November -- rather, stripping away partnership benefits and health insurance for all unmarried Floridians will be decided.

This is how conservatives get majority votes -- they lie to the voters.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday Challenge

We need you to help us out with our new blog/project The Hate Amendment. Here's what you can do:

1. Promote the site. Tell your family and friends about it. Put it on your blogroll. Post about it.

2. Join the site. We need more bloggers to blog against the hateful Amendment 2. Send me an e-mail at and I'll add you to the site.

3. Join our blogroll. If you have a blog and you oppose Amendment 2, let me know, and I'll add you to the blogroll. Again, e-mail me at

4. Help us identify politicians who support or oppose the amendment. We keep a running tally here. We want it to eventually include all of the members of the cabinet, congressional delegation, legislature, their challengers and prominent local politicians. If you see an article, have a tip, or know one of these people, send me an e-mail. Again,

5. Obviously, you can vote against the amendment in November and convince as many other people to vote against it as possible. We can defeat this hateful law, but only with your help.

Gay Marriage and The Florida Constitution

Ran across this old post at the defunct Know Thy Neighbor Florida blog and thought it was good enough that you should read it. I did not author this:

Today, I was compelled to just review our Constitution, I wondered what treasures lie therein that give me my rights and responsibilities as a citizen of Florida. I didn't get very far in my reading today, in fact, I got stuck at the Preamble. There is a huge lump in my throat, and honestly, I was nearly brought to tears when I read the very first part of our constitution.

How is it that we are even debating the rights of citizens, when it so clearly states the purpose of the constitution in the first line? What is happening?


"We, the people of the State of Florida, being grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, in order to secure its benefits, perfect our government, insure domestic tranquility, maintain public order, and guarantee equal civil and political rights to all, do ordain and establish this constitution."

It doesn't say some of the civil and political rights for some of the people,

It doesn't say partial civil and political rights for all of the people.

It doesn't say equal civil and political rights for only those designated by petition initiatives.

It doesn't say equal civil and political rights for everybody except...

It doesn't say equal civil and political rights for the majority opinion.

It doesn't say partial civil and political rights for the minorities.

It doesn't say equal civil and political rights for the majorities.

It doesn't say equal civil and political rights if you belong to a certain political party.

It doesn't say equal civil and political rights if you belong to a certain religion.

It doesn't say equal civil and political rights if you belong to a race or ethnic origin.

It doesn't say equal civil and political rights if you are heterosexual.

IT SAYS guarantee equal civil and political rights to all.

If Christ Church of Peace and it's members were standing up to fight for rights of heterosexual families, and advocating dialogue to help heterosexual families grow stronger - there would be no rhetoric, only expectation and appreciation that we are doing the right thing. But for many their focus is on the 'gay issue' and not the civil rights issue.

All people deserve equal rights, period, and it says in the Preamble to our constitution that was established to do so. Whether you agree with gay marriage or not, as a citizen of this great state and nation, surely you believe in the foundation that everyone is entitled to equal civil and political rights.

View the constitution by clicking here

Hate Amendment Supporters

Via the official Hate Amendment website, we find the following list of endorsees of the Amendment. (Why is it that the fundie website is significantly out of date and filled with typos?)

Charlie Crist
Frank Attkisson
Carey Baker
Donald Brown
Larry Cretul
Carl Domino
Greg Evers
Anitere Flores
Bill Galvano
Andy Gardiner
Gayle Harrell
Alan Hays
Dave Murzin
Pat Patterson
Joe Pickens
Ralph Poppell
Ray Sansom
Rhonda Storms
Dan Webster
Stephen Wise
Gus Bilirakis
Dave Weldon
Brian Blair, Hillsborough County Commissioner
Tom Henning, Collier County Commissioner
Andy Kesserling, Marion County Commissioner
Stan McClain, Marion County Commissioner

Cabinent Members: 0 against, 1 for
Members of Congress: 5 against, 2 for
Congressional candidates: 4 against the amendment, 0 for
Legislators: 15 against the amendment, 19 for
Legislative candidates: 4 against, 0 for
Local officials: 24 against, 4 for
Local candidates: 2 against, 0 for

More later.

Where Do They Stand Scorecard

Losing track of where all the politicians stand on the Hate Amendment? You can now check out the complete list as a stand-alone page in our wiki.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Amendment Opponents

Via Florida Red & Blue, we discover more politicians who oppose Amendment 2. All of the following are on the board or advisory board of the organization:

Andrew Gillum, Tallahassee City Commissioner
Congressman Kendrick Meek
Congressman Robert Wexler
Congressman Ron Klein
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Congresswoman Kathy Castor
Senator Dave Aronberg
Senator Jeremy Ring
Senator Steve Geller
Senator Ted Deutch
Senator Tony Hill
Representative Dan Gelber
Representative Kelly Skidmore
Representative Ari Porth
Representative Loranne Ausley
Alan Brock, County Commission Candidate
Annette Taddeo, Congressional Candidate
Commissioner Craig Lowe, City of Gainesville
Commissioner Fran Russo, City of Hollywood
Commissioner Sue Gunzburger, Broward County
Horace G. Feliu, Mayor, South Miami
Mayor Frank Ortis, City of Pembroke Pines
Vice Mayor Stacy Ritter, Broward County
Representative Audrey Gibson
Representative Elaine Schwartz
Senator Nan Rich
Adriene Reese, Candidate for Supervisor of Elections, Broward County
Anne Gannon, Tax Collector, Palm Beach County
Commissioner Bruno Barriero, Miami-Dade County Commission
Commissioner Carlos Gimenez, Miami-Dade County Commission
Commissioner Joe Angelo, City of Wilton Manors
Commissioner Ken Keechl, Broward County Commission
Commissioner Richard Steinberg, Miami Beach
Commissioner Saul Gross, Miami Beach
Commissioner Scott Galvin, North Miami
Councilwoman Patty Sheehan, City of Orlando
Joe Garcia, Congressional Candidate
Joseph Gibbons, House Candidate
Mark LaFontaine, House Candidate
Max Linn, Congressional Candidate
Mayor Carmen McGarry, Hillsboro Beach
Mayor David Dermer, City of Miami Beach
Mayor John Hornbuckle, Village of Biscayne Park
Mayor Joy Cooper, Hallandale Beach
Mayor Scott Newton, City of Wilton Manors
Michael Gongora, Commissioner City of Miami Beach

Members of Congress: 5 against, 0 for
Congressional candidates: 4 against the amendment, 0 for
Legislators: 15 against the amendment, 0 for
Legislative candidates: 4 against, 0 for
Local officials: 22 against, 0 for
Local candidates: 2 against, 0 for

More later.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tudor Says No to Amendment 2

On this Sunday's episode of Florida Progressive Radio, District 12 Congressional Candidate Doug Tudor said he was going to vote no on Amendment 2 and that he favored equality for all Americans.

Strikes me as the type of thing you might want to reward him for saying...

Here are our totals so far on people we've identified:

Congressional candidates: 1 against the amendment, 0 for
Legislators: 3 against the amendment, 0 for
Legislative candidates: 2 against, 0 for
County commissioners: 2 against, 0 for

More later.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another Amendment Opponent

State House District 91 candidate Chris Chiari had this to say about Amendment 2: “I oppose any effort to institutionalize hate in our state’s constitution."

Strikes me as the type of thing you might want to reward him for saying...

Here are our totals so far on people we've identified:

Legislators: 3 against the amendment, 0 for
Legislative candidates: 2 against, 0 for
County commissioners: 2 against, 0 for

More later.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wicker: I didn't mean to insult blacks, I meant to insult gays

If you remember, a while back a Pastor Hayes Wicker of Naples had this to say about gay marriage:

This is a tremendous social crisis, greater even than the issue of slavery.

Not surprisingly, a lot of people, such as myself had some problems with that statement.

Wicker, for some reason, took umbrage at the outrage against his hate speech. Here's what he said in a letter to the editor:

Recently, couples from diverse denominations gathered to celebrate marriage in the Chapel of First Baptist Church, where I have served as pastor for 16 years. It was particularly part of the statewide support of seniors for Constitutional Amendment #2, which has been placed on the November 4th ballot. We renewed the vows of “holy matrimony” and affirmed that marriage is “the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife” the bedrock institution upon which the family and civil society are built.

Unsupported hyperbole and introductory remarks. Nothing too bad yet.

At that event, I made several remarks regarding the grave dangers facing America if the institution of marriage is redefined and cast aside.

A few years back, George Carlin had a routine where he described that when listening to someone speak you can say to yourself, "he sounds reasonably okay," which is how Wicker started out. Then, all of a sudden, the person will say something that will lead you to the realization that the person is "full of shit." This is that moment in Wicker's letter. See, the root of this type of thing is that Wicker and people like him don't like gay people. For whatever reason, maybe it's hatred of anyone who is "different," maybe it's a nonsensical "gross-out" type of thing, maybe it's closeted fears about one's own sexuality, whatever. The point is that people like Wicker can't just come out and say they don't like gay people, so they mask their hatred in reasonable-sounding langauge. They're still full of shit.

Take the above line, for instance. There is no attempt to "cast aside" marriage, except maybe by Republicans like Vito Fosella and Rush Limbaugh. In fact, attempts to legalize gay marriage not only don't "cast aside" marriage, they seek to make marriage stronger. And while gay marriage would change the definition of marriage, it would be a change for the better. And it's not like that definition has any sacred quality to it. It's a definition that was made up by human beings and human beings can easily change that definition. Wicker goes on:

Opponents to marriage have strategically seized upon those remarks in an attempt to take the focus off the issue of marriage and the danger of permitting the U.S. Courts to reconstruct this most basic human institution.

By definition, people who want more people to be able to get married aren't "opponents" of marriage. To say that is to assume that nobody that reads what you write is more intelligent than a three-year-old. Clearly, if you want more marriage, you are a supporter of marriage. And if one was an opponent of marriage, why would they be trying to take the focus off marriage? Wouldn't they want the focus on the thing they are trying to destroy? Did he even read this letter before he sent it in? And the courts already have the power to define what rights exist and what words like marriage mean. This was written into the original Constitution and affirmed in Marbury v. Madison. The Madison in that case, by the way, was James Madison, the guy who wrote the Constitution, so it's pretty clear that he agreed with the ability of the courts to do this.

I also noted: “If marriage and the home deteriorates, the culture and society will be dissolved."

Gay marriage will not dissolve our culture or society. How do I know? Because we already have gay marriage in Massachusetts. We're still around. Other countries have legalized gay marriage, none of them has dissolved. Heck, if George W. Bush can't destroy America after eight years of actively trying, gay marriage has no chance.

"From the very beginning, according to nature, history, tradition, and the Word of God, marriage has been between a man and a woman.”

No matter how many times hatemongers repeate this idea, it's still not true. First off, marriage existed long before the Bible, so it wasn't defined by the Christian tradition. Second, and more importantly, the most dominant form of marriage throughout most of history was polygamy. You know Big-Love-one-man-and-as-many-women-as-he-can-get kind of marriage. In much of the world, that was way more prevalent than one-man and one-woman marriage. And, in fact, if you haven't read your Bible lately, there's a whole lot of polygamy in the Old Testament, in particular, and God's just fine with it. Another passage in the book says something about leaving judgment up to God. And if one is a Christian, Jesus made it quite clear what his priorities were. He never mentioned homosexuality. He did, however, mention helping the poor hundreds of times. So, if your community, Pastor Wicker, has any poor people and you are focusing instead on gay people, then you probably need a refresher course in your own religion.

In my remarks I mentioned slavery because it was the defining issue of social justice from the Founding era until the end of the Civil War and even into the 1960’s.

Notice how the post-Civil War period is somewhat of an afterthought to the Pastor -- "even into the 1960's." It's already clear that Wicker knows little to nothing about history, but this makes it even more clear. For most of the era between the end of the Civil War and when the former slaves died, little changed for them. Because of things like sharecropping, Jim Crow, peonage, the prison-work system, etc., most "freed" slaves never knew freedom.

My remarks were not intended to diminish the crucial importance of eliminating slavery and all forms of racism from American culture.

Intended or not, they did. And what is left unsaid here, is that your remarks were intended to diminish gay Americans and meant to increase bigotry towards gay people in American culture. You can't get away anymore with directly attacking black people, so you're moving on to a new group of people to hate.

I am deeply sorry for any hurt that my statement may have caused to anyone affected by the evil stain of slavery.

And totally don't care about the hurt that your statement caused anyone affected by the evil stain of homophobia.

As a Christian, I deeply deplore hatred in all its forms and urge love for all people.

Except, of course, for gay people. That kind of hatred, he loves. A lot.

Radically reconstructing the institution of marriage could readily become the defining issue of social justice in the 21st century, especially if such a radical change occurs through the abuse of power by activist judges.

In addition to his ignorance of history, the Pastor shows a clear misunderstanding of basic English words such as "radical" and "reconstruct." If gay people are allowed to get married, the effect on other marriages is nonexistent. And, checking back with that Bible the pastor claims to love so much, I'll wager that the real defining social justice issue of the 21st century is still poverty.

Even a brief study of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Lawrence v. Texas reveals the dangers of judicial activism to the institution of marriage and to the most basic civil rights of association, free speech and religious liberty.

To come to this ridiculous conclusion, one would have to do a really, really brief study of Lawrence v. Texas. That or be a graduate of the Liberty College law school. It's clear that since Lawrence v. Texas was decided, that marriage, freedom of association, freedom of speech and religious liberty haven't been affected one iota. The law that Wicker favors -- a constitutional ban on gay marriage -- goes much further towards violating these rights. The Constitution doesn't grant a right for straight people to get married. It grants the right to citizens. It also grants the right for you to associate (which includes legal association, such as marriage) with whomever you choose. And what about religions that support gay marriage, wouldn't Wicker's favored law be discriminatory towards those religions? (The answer is yes).

In his dissenting opinion, Justice Scalia rightly indicated that this ruling now defines personhood on the basis of sexuality and has enormous implications for marriage and the home.

The same Scalia who is a big fan of the orgy? (Again, the answer is yes). What are these "enormous implications" we always hear about? They've been talked about so much I wonder what they are? they certainly can't be the other things that Wicker talked about in this letter, since you'd have to be really, really dumb to think that gay marriage would hurt straight marriage, so I wonder what he's really talking about? Maybe the big implication would be that it would be harder for hatemongers to practice their hate?

As in some other countries, those who hold to traditional marriage could be prosecuted for “hate speech” if they publicly speak out.

Ah, I was right. All he really cares about is protecting his right to be a bigot. And, again based on history, "traditional" marriage would be polygamy. Also, I'd suggest that the Pastor look up the legal definition of "hate speech," since it differs with what he is saying here.

Destroying the institution of marriage will affect every person of every race, every family, every local community and state, every school district, legislature, courtroom, classroom and board room in America. Such a watershed issue cannot be diminished in its significance.

Again, there will be no destruction. And even if there were, it certainly wouldn't affect every person. It wouldn't affect nonmarried people much at all. And it wouldn't affect anyone who really loved their spouse, since that love would really kind of go beyond a ceremony or piece of paper or contract. True love is in the heart and in the mind, not in the Pastor's strange definitions of words. And it's incredibly clear that gay marriage would have no effect on school districts, legislatures, courtrooms, classrooms or boardrooms. In fact, there isn't even any form of stretched logic to validate that claim. It's just plain nonsense. You can, it must be said, diminish the significance of a watershed issue by engaging in nonsensical, inflated hyperbole.

It is incumbent on the people of Florida and every state to do all they can to make a clear constitutional statement of intention in support of the traditional definition of marriage as the union of only a man and woman.

Actually, no such thing is incumbent, particularly, since that isn't the traditional definition of marriage. Besides, such a state law would clearly conflict with the United States Constitution, so pursuing this is a waste of time and resources that could go towards better things. Like that whole "helping out the poor" thing. If you didn't notice, Pastor, the economy sucks and people are really in real trouble. Not fantasyland trouble based on things that are actually already illegal in Florida.

While we offer love to all, may true patriots and lovers of truth never turn a deaf ear or blind eye to evil as once happened during those years of slavery.

Again, the Pastor is having problem with basic definitions here. The word "all" would include gay people. "Never," as in "never turn a deaf ear or blind eye," would include bigotry towards gay people. History has shown, though, that people who call themselves true patriots almost never are. And, really, does anyone "love" the truth? The truth quite frequently hurts. And it quite frequently sucks. Like the truth that Pastor Hayes Wicker and his supporters are hatemongers who are seeking to advance their own radical political agenda by attempting to marginalize gay American citizens.

Monday, May 12, 2008

More Opponents of the Hate Amendment

I recently attended a Fairness for All Families event in Tallahassee designed to raise money to fight the amendment. In attendance (and giving donations) were legislators Scott Randolph, Marty Kiar and Evan Jenne. Also in attendance were Leon County Commissioners Cliff Thaell and Bob Rackleff. Here are our totals so far on people we've identified:

Legislators: 3 against the amendment, 0 for
Legislative candidates: 1 against, 0 for
County commissioners: 2 against, 0 for

More later.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Calderin Says No on 2

Wasting no time, Michael Calderin, candidate for state house district 119 has responded to our challenge to come out against Amendment 2:

No on 2.

It's a waste of the state's time and resources, both banning gay marriage -- which isn't legal in Florida anyway -- and eliminating the rights of straight Floridians, including many seniors who live with an unmarried partner.

Whether you're for or against gay marriage doesn't even matter. It's already not allowed. Whether this amendment becomes part of Florida's Constitution or not won't change that.

What it will do is create more bureaucracy, interfere with people's lives, and invite expensive lawsuits.

Creating laws should be about priorities. How would *you* prioritize something that's redundant, intrusive, and expensive?

The best way to tell him thanks? Contribute here.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Join Our Blogroll

If you oppose Amendment 2 and would like to be added to our blogroll, let me know. You don't have to be in Florida, you just have to oppose enshrining hatred in the Florida constitution. To be added, e-mail me at

Where Do They Stand?

As I mentioned on the radio show the other day, one of the things we're going to do is make sure that every prominent public official in Florida is on record as to where they stand in terms of the Hate Amendment. Our job now is to find out where everyone stands on Amendment 2, including:

Members of the cabinet

Members of the congressional delegation

Members of the legislature

Candidates for these offices

Prominent local officials

Primarily what we want to know is if they support or oppose the amendment. It would also be great to document what they say about it beyond that if they make public pronouncements about the amendment or about gay marriage and gay rights.

Down the road, we'll find a way to support (financially or otherwise) candidates who publicly stand on the right side of this issue. At a minimum, we'll ask our readers to contribute to their campaigns and provide the details on how to do that. Who knows, we may have more up our sleeve as well...

Okay, we need your help on this one. With 120 members of the Florida House, 40 members of the Senate, 27 in the congressional delegation, four in the cabinet (five if you count Jeff Kottkamp, which I don't) and countless local officials, we can't do it alone. If you know of officials or candidates who come out for or against Amendment 2, let us know and we'll post it here with as much detail as is available. E-mail me at Thanks.