Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fainess for All Families Campus Coordinator positions

FFAF is looking for Campus Coordinators at all the universities in the state of Florida. Based on the rules for your individual school, there may be the opportunity to earn course credit for your efforts.

You will be asked to work around 20 hours a week with the occasional weekend and evening. Applicants must have excellent oral and written communication skills, and experience on another campaign is a big plus. If this sounds like something you want to do, you can get more information from the following people:

Jessica Osborn-Campus Coordinator, University of Central Florida (

Joe Saunders-Field Director ( 407-497-4986

Anti-Gay Logic

This one is laughable:

The highest court of the Presbyterian Church USA has found that a California minister did not violate the church's constitution when she officiated at the weddings of same-sex couples in 2004 and 2005.

Sounds fine so far...

The decision, announced Tuesday by the church's permanent judicial commission, cleared the Rev. Jane Adams Spahr of San Rafael of misconduct and lifted an earlier ruling of censure against her by a regional church court.

Oh, so the church came to its senses and reversed a punishment against a minister who officiated two gay weddings. Good job.

In the decision, the Louisville, Ky.-based panel found that the ceremonies Spahr had performed for the two lesbian couples could not be considered marriages.

"The ceremonies that are the subject of this case were not marriages . . . ," the high court said. "These were ceremonies between women, not between a man and a woman."

The commission said the lower court had "found Spahr guilty of doing that which by definition cannot be done."

Oh. So they did the right thing, but for incredibly misguided reasons and by disturbingly convoluted logic. The ruling in effect is "you can't be guilty of officiating gay marriages, because we say there is no such thing, so you can't be guilty of doing the impossible, that wouldn't make sense." Wow.


Have you noticed the contrast between people who oppose gay marriage and support gay marriage? I have. Check out this description from a recent pro-gay event in New York:

More than 2,000 gay-rights activists gathered at the Capitol today to urge the legislature to legalize same-sex marriage.

The group of young and old, black and white, male and female straight and gay people from across the state gathered on the Capitol lawn, some dancing and others waving signs. Everyone was cheering for same-sex marriage.

The following picture is from a recent hate event in Naples:

Crowd of old white people

A very diverse group attended the first event. A very homogeneous group attended the hate event. They were almost all old conservative white people. I wonder who else they don't like...


This is a blog specifically designed to battle the Hate Amendment, the so-called "gay marriage ban" that will be on the ballot in November. Check back regularly for frequent updates including facts and strategies on how to defeat the amendment. With your help, we can kill this evil bill.